Monday, March 7, 2011

Midpoint Reflection

My internship had been  the same of my expectations, nothing changed throughout time.what similar is the people is very nice and helpful is like our school teachers and classmates. It is very awesome to work in a environmental area with each other. What different is more than 2 teachers in a classroom because the kids need help a lot of. Some skills that I had learned from internship site are be professional people and polite and respect each one that could help me apply at other jobs such as banker, teacher and waiter. Those skills will help me to develop self-confident in the future. The relationship that I have with my mentor and co-workers are really efficient. I had grown in different ways and perspective by interacting with professional adults, I had grown listening, communication, behavior, and writing. The writing skills that I had gained throughout my internship is the my English had became more mature and educated. Some others skills or abilities that I had gained so far is know how to work and play with kids. some of the challenges that I had face throughout internship is learning how to control kids when they got mad. I overcame this challenge by ask the teacher and know how to fix that, the first step is thinking how to make kids laughing when they got mad, this skill I learn from elementary school's teacher. The altered schedule had affected me change my plans. It had affected me in school work and in basketball and volleyball team, because I need to worry my homework and acclimatization traning. I need to be able to play volleyball in this season because that is be my last season from PSAL.

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