Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final Reflection

1. Look back to your earliest posts. What were your goals? Did you achieve these goals? If so, what did you have to do consistently to achieve the goals?
A: My goals for this internship were to be a good intern and  responsible. Yes, I achieve these goals. I really wanna work and study with the kids, when I go to internship I do my best to help the kids solve problems. so based on this reason to achieve the goals.
2. What are the most important ideas or skills you’ve learned in the last 12 weeks?
A: I learned the most important idea is collaborate because have some questions rely on yorself is not enough to solve, so have to collaborate with group members because differnent people have differnet brain to thinking so put ideas together then choose the best. That could easier to solve question.
3. In what ways have your grown as a student and young adult?
A: In this internship I am a teacher  assistant. So I work with the kids. I must be change my way be mature. I really do it,when I go to internship I am more mature than before. I am the model of the kids. 
4. What were the highlights (memorable moments) of your internship experience?
A:  Chinese New Year's Eve. I got many candies, boondoggle,and Celebrate Cards from the kids.
5. What have you learned about the professional world?
A: I think when I am work in the society. So that time I am not a student any more. I have to care a lot of things such as do everything be prefectly, on time, do the best, and respect all.
6. What challenges did you overcome?
A: I think my challenge is my weakness by shy. But I really overcome that. Before I am not good and scare talking with fresh guys, Now I overcome that, I never scare that.  Yeah!
7. If you were to start internship next week, what is at least one thing you would do differently?
A: If internship start next week I will control my mouth and wacth time do thing. I will be a real man.
8. Think of two to three pieces of advice you could offer a new intern at your site.
A: 1. Do anything have to respect each other.
    2. Do your best.
    3. Do not nervous face to anything.
9. What will you miss about your internship?
A: I will miss all my new friends (students and teachers). They are very nice and remainded me of my childhood. I really miss theirs.

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